Youth Radio’s health coverage spanned from the potential physical dangers of competitive high school football, to how teenagers cope with the emotional stress of cyberbullying. We also investigated the growing youth trend of smoking “vape pens” and e-cigarettes. Check out our favorite health stories below.
Does Your School Protect Your Head?, By Kendrick Calkins
More than one million high school boys play football in the U.S. But with a growing body of evidence linking the sport with chronic brain injury, some schools are trying to change how teams play and practice. They have a long way to go.
Young Invincible on Affordable Care Act, By Rayana Godfrey
With the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, young adults who are uninsured are trying to figure out how it will help them. “While my friends are trying to decide between movies and a house party on Friday night, I’m weighing a completely different option in my head. Should I even risk going out?”
Do Vape Pens Trick Teens?, By Jenny Bolario
Vape pens, or e-cigarettes, are often billed as a safer way for smokers to get their fix. The user breathes in water vapor infused with nicotine and exhales what looks like smoke. But with flavors like banana cream pie and alien blood, these pens are attracting a new generation of “smokers.”
Is Cyberbullying Really A Problem For Youth? , By Asha Richardson
Back in the early 2000’s, chatting online was an escape from reality. Your whole school wasn’t online with you. You didn’t even need to post a picture of yourself. And when people online started being rude, you could easily leave because there was no tie between your online life and your offline life. But that’s not the case anymore.
Teaching Puberty Earlier, By Donisha Dansby
Today in America, puberty is beginning earlier than a generation ago. Researchers are debating the possible links to environmental chemicals, stress, and obesity. But regardless of cause, more and more kids are already well into puberty by the time sex education happens in school–which is usually fifth or sixth grade.
The Real Snack Food Story, By Chantell Williams
How much do parents really know about what their kids are eating? Not much. Youth Radio’s Chantell Williams interviews teens and their parents to get to the truth, and dares to compare notes with her mom after keeping a food diary.