Below is a collection of photos from the funeral of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri.
Honor guard locking arms to separate family from the press.
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Michael Brown Sr. arriving at son’s funeral
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Lesley McSpadden arriving at son’s funeral
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Member of the honor guard, Michael Brown funeral
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Honor guard, Michael Brown funeral
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Honor guard locking arms to separate family from the press.
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Michael Brown family member arriving at funeral.
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
More than two weeks ago, Darren Seals stood by Michael Brown’s body during the four hours it lay in the street. Today he’s attending his funeral in St. Louis.Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Students walking past police barracades to funeral of Michael Brown.
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
An estimated 3500 people packed into two chapels to attend funeral of Michael Brown.
Photo Credit: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
MC Hammer outside the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO following the funeral of Michael Brown. Photo:Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Oscar Grant uncle Cephus Johnson and Ron Davis, father of Jordan Davis, leaving the funeral of Michael Brown. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin attracting the attention of the crowd following the funeral for Michael Brown. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Child outside the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO during the funeral of Michael Brown. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
German TV crew buying T-shirts following the Michael Brown funeral. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Children playing outside the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO during the funeral of Michael Brown. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Funeral procession stretches up St. Louis’ Martin Luther King Drive. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio