Figuring Out Yours 20s: My First Alumni Homecoming

I experienced overwhelming nostalgia and felt the person I had been missing the past year was revived.

Figuring Out Yours 20s: My First Alumni Homecoming (Courtesy of Tracy Noze)

HBCU homecoming season 2023 is coming to an end. Last week, I returned from Tallahassee, Florida, where I attended Florida A&M University’s (FAMU) homecoming. This is the university I attended and graduated from, so my homecoming experience was exceptional. 

Leading up to the return to my small college town, I spent countless hours on phone calls and exchanging text and social media messages with friends regarding what events we’d be attending, the outfits and hairstyles we had prepared, and our excitement for this event. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t a bit nervous that this would be my first time back on campus after a year since I graduated.

My homecoming experience began once I arrived at the Charlotte airport to board my direct flight to Tallahassee. I was excited to be greeted with the sight of students, alums and friends wearing FAMU apparel and exchanging laughs and excitement. My first stop in Tallahassee was to buy last-minute outfits at Governor’s Square. I lost count of how many people I went to school with who I said hi to and had small conversations with. 

The rest of my weekend was filled with attending various homecoming events, being on campus, and catching up with people I knew. I saw familiar faces and places where I lived and had classes. I experienced overwhelming nostalgia, grew a deeper connection to my school, and felt the person I had been missing the past year was revived. I truly felt at home.

I was reminded why this was my dream school and recounted that I attended and graduated from this institution, making me part of a more extensive network of people with great pride in this university. 

This experience put things into perspective. I’m reminded to embrace the good, express gratitude and remember that I can always come home. 

Tracy Noze is a Seattle-based journalist.

Edited by Nykeya Woods.

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