‘’Scott Pilgrim’’ series creator Bryan Lee O’Malley recently announced that there will be an Anime adaptation of the nostalgically vivid franchise which began as a series of graphic novels released from August 2004 to July 2010.
The works were first adapted as a live-action 2010 Universal film titled ‘’Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World’’ taken from the title of the second volume. Despite positive reviews from both critics and fans alike, it was not a financial success but achieved cult status in later years with the film re-releasing in 2021 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the film. It was delayed by a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The colorful and animated style made it very popular with the nerd community and the subtle indie style humor sprinkled with nerdy gaming references that still is funny to this day.
In an age of constant live action remakes and constant disrespect towards the medium of animation, it is a breath of fresh air to see how a live action film can be turned into an animated series. With the entire cast of the film returning and all the star players behind the scenes bringing their A game, it is a perfect time to think about death and get sad and stuff.
“Scott Pilgrim vs The World” will be released on Netflix. No date has been set.