Content in partnership with True Star

The Importance of Balance

The Importance of Balance (True Star Media)

What is balance?  The Webster Dictionary defines balance as “to equal or equalize in weight, number, or proportion.”  My personal definition as it relates to my core values, aligns.  To enable something, (i.e.: life), to remain steady by means of even distribution is a task you must give continuous conscious effort in order to achieve, as it’s not an easy thing to maintain.  It means allowing yourself the grace and freedom of unrestricted living, while also dedicating time to achieving what’s necessary.  

Balance is about a bit of give, and a bit of take.  Whether it comes to relationships, diet, or work/play, I live by the mentality that balance is a necessity in all day-to-day life. I’ve implemented balance into every aspect of my life, and I can confidently say that I’ve seen significant growth both mentally and physically.  

A change I made that I’ve found improved my mental health is taking time to have balanced, nutritional meals.  Food is fuel for the body, and consequently, the mind.  Instead of dieting and beating myself up for consuming more carbs or sugar than I wanted, I’ve implemented physical activity into my daily life and ensured that the majority of my main meals of the day are beneficial to my body.  This way, I allow myself to be human and indulge in foods I enjoy, while also getting the required nutrients my body needs to live a healthy lifestyle.

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

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