Gen Z and Houseplants: A Green Thumb and Self-Care Go Hand-in-Hand

Check out these five beginner-friendly plants start your journey.

Gen Z and Houseplants: A Green Thumb and Self-Care Go Hand-in-Hand (Annie Spratt via Unsplash)

As Gen Z is known to some as the self-care generation, they’ve found creative ways to make their environment more serene and manage their mental health. Adding a plant or two in their room or on the coffee table is one of the latest trends.

Owning a house plant is like having a pet. You have to water, feed and take care of it. When starting your plant journey, select one that is easy to grow and speaks to you. 

Here are some of the best houseplants that are great for beginners.

Peace Lilly (Spathiphyllum)

Although they are not true lilies, with their beautiful dark green leaves contrasting with silky white lilies, these plants are simply beautiful. Place them by a sunny window and you’ll know when it’s time to water them when the soil becomes dry or the leaves start to drop. Because they are one of the best plants for filtering air, this makes them one of the most popular house plants.

Aloe Vera

Being in the succulent family with long stems and jagged teeth along the sides, aloe vera plants are great for first-time plant parents. Making sure they have enough sunlight is key to this plant’s success. As a bonus, you can use the juice from your plant to heal wounds, scrapes and burns. And it’s even great for your hair.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Also known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue,” Snake Plants are one of the easiest houseplants you can grow. These plants are survivors. They can grow in low light and don’t mind if you forget to water them every now and then. Like peace lilies, they can help filter out impurities in the air.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Although looking and growing like bamboo, this species is not related to the bamboo family. It is closer to the succulent family, which plays a part in this plant’s indestructibility. Place it on a bathroom counter or office space and make sure there is always plenty of fresh water and this plant will grow easily and happily. Just be careful about having it around your pets as it is toxic to dogs and cats.

Chinese evergreens (Aglaonema)

Along with being beautiful with its light green leaves with splashes of white throughout, this plant is incredibly easy to care for and will last you for generations. This plant is not picky when it comes to soil type, or lighting conditions, or even if you forget to water it. It will be fine.

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