Content in partnership with True Star

Are You Suffering From Senioritis?

Check out these tips to lift yourself out of your senior slump.

Are You Suffering From Senioritis? (Illustration by Leah Ronkin for The Eagle Eye via True Star Media)

If you’re a senior in high school like me, chances are you know the feeling I’m about to describe: you’ve been through three and a half years of school – eleven and a half, really, if you count elementary school – and you know you’re leaving soon. You have a plan for the future, you want to get a job soon, you’ve finished all your testing, and the last thing you want to think about is homework. 

Welcome to senioritis.

The term is mostly a joke, but it’s a real issue that high school seniors face. It’s a time when you’re ready to move on, and you’re so close to the light at the end of the tunnel but you’re tempted to give up with just a few steps left. 

So, what are some ways to lift yourself up out of the senior slump? Here are some tips.

Set Weekly Goals

Weekly goals are an important way to remind yourself what you need to get done, and not fall behind. It’s common for students with senioritis to stop paying attention to assignments entirely, so when you do start to think about them, you get overwhelmed with not knowing how much has piled up.

Change Things Up

Sometimes, when we’ve lost motivation to do work, it’s best to give our brains a break from the norm by changing things up. 

Reward Yourself

It’s always good to reward yourself — and trust me, you’ve earned it. Give yourself a treat at the end of the week. Let yourself go out once you’ve finished your work. 

Have A Support System

Having friends to lean on during this time is important. They’re here to remind you of your achievements and help you when you feel stuck. 

Remind Yourself What’s Important

At the end of the day, you have to stay focused on your goals. Remember that you are working hard for a reason. It’s easy to give up at the end, but why risk the last few grades you need? 

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

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