Content in partnership with True Star

June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month

June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month (Getty Images)

ChicagoSo often as a result of the heavy patriarchal influence in society, people tend to forget the fact that everybody deals with mental health. One would believe that because of the many beneficial factors that come with being a man in a world that is structured to benefit them, that men are actively being advocated for. 

But what we as a people fail to consider, is how our men of today are impacted by the same patriarchal structure that deems it socially wrong to vocalize or express their raw emotions. Feelings are human, and yet a restrictive label has been added to certain emotions in order to achieve greatness in the eyes of longstanding cultural traditions.

Here are some ways that you can insure the well-being of important male figures in your life:

Offer A Safe Space 

A healthy environment is so essential to being comfortable enough to discuss mental health. Make sure the people in your life are aware that resources are available, whether that’s you, or a medical professional.

Schedule Check-Ins

To know that someone in your life is actively thinking about you is comforting for anyone. Simply checking in on a loved one can help open up a safe environment for expressing how one feels without judgment.

Practice Clear Communication 

Be more intentful with wording by utilizing things like “I” statements in conversations, therefore making it easier when identifying difficult emotions that are often neglected.

Further Educate Yourself on the Issue

Knowing the history behind the problem is often helpful, providing more clear insight and a broader understanding.

Show Empathy

Even though we might not all be able to relate to the issues others experience, being empathetic and just listening can provide enough support and show consolation.

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

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