Content in partnership with True Star

Practical Tips for Supporting Friends’ Mental Health

By being aware of warning signs, initiating conversations and seeking help when needed, we can create an environment where everyone feels supported on their journey to mental wellness.

Practical Tips for Supporting Friends’ Mental Health (True Star Media)

In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of mental health awareness and support cannot be overstated, especially among young people. As someone who recently completed a Mental Health First Aid course at school, I’ve gained practical tips that I believe are crucial for supporting your friends who may be struggling mentally.

During the two-day course, one of the most significant lessons I learned was understanding what mental health truly means. Contrary to popular belief, mental health isn’t just about being happy all the time. It’s about being able to sail across life’s challenges and setbacks while still being able to function in our everyday lives. 

One key takeaway from the course was recognizing the difference between feeling sad and experiencing depression. It’s normal to feel down from time to time, but when those feelings persist for more than two weeks and start to interfere with daily life, it’s a cause for concern. As friends, we often have a front-row seat to notice changes in our peers’ behavior. Whether it’s unusual routines, frequent absences from school, increased frustration, or other signs, being observant can make a big difference in identifying when someone might be struggling.

When things start to take a darker turn and thoughts of suicide or self-harm arise, it’s fundamental to intervene. This is the warning stage, and it’s essential to take action by reaching out to a trusted and responsible adult. Whether it’s a teacher, counselor, guardian, or parent, having someone who can provide support and guidance is paramount.

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

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