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Is There a Downside to Being Popular in High School?

More popular teens experienced more insomnia symptoms.

Is There a Downside to Being Popular in High School? (Getty Images)

The most popular teenagers in school get the least sleep – particularly girls, according to a new study.

Scientists found that teens with the most friends sleep less than their peers – and that popular girls experience more symptoms of insomnia than popular boys.

Previous studies have shown that adolescents often find it hard to get to sleep at a time that would allow them to clock up the recommended eight to 10 hours of shuteye each night due to a later melatonin onset and increased alertness in the evening.

Researchers say it is also during the teenage years when increasing school demands, activities, more independence from parents, and relationships with peers begin to compete with sleep.

Australian and Swedish scientists wanted to find out how popularity among peers affected the sleeping habits of teenagers aged 14 to 18.

Study first author Dr. Serena Bauducco, a sleep researcher at Örebro University, Sweden, said: “Here we show that popular teenagers reported shorter sleep duration.

“In particular, popular girls – but not boys – reported more insomnia symptoms.

“Most interestingly, popularity also seems to negatively impact sleep both before and after the advent of smartphones.”

The research team examined if popularity coincided with shorter sleep duration in a sample of more than 1,300 Swedish teenagers, almost half of them female.

They asked the participants to nominate up to three friends, and those receiving the most nominations were defined as more popular.

Those teenagers slept less than their peers – the most popular ones up to 27 minutes fewer, according to the findings published in the journal Frontiers in Sleep.

When the research team looked at boys and girls separately, they also found a correlation between popularity and insomnia symptoms.

More popular girls experienced more insomnia symptoms, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep or waking up too early.

Popular boys did not experience those symptoms to the same extent, according to the findings.

The differences between sexes are not yet fully understood, but the fact that boys and girls engage in differing friendship behaviors might offer insights.

Dr. Bauducco said: “Girls express more care and concern with their friends and engage in helping behaviors more than boys.

“This might mean they carry these concerns when it’s time to fall asleep.

“We also see that popularity has been associated with worse sleep both before and after the development of handheld communication technology.”

She said the findings suggest that it may not be smartphones that cause popular teenagers to sleep less, rather other factors could be at play.

The research team speculates that more friends may mean more time dedicated to them which could result in less time left for sleeping.

They say more emotional investment could also lead to sleeping difficulties.

Originally published by Talker News

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