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Vaping Linked to Increased Risk of Catching COVID

Research shows chemicals in the e-cigarettes and vapes enhance infection by the virus.

Vaping Linked to Increased Risk of Catching COVID (Getty Images)

Vaping increases the risk of getting COVID-19, according to a new study.

Chemicals in the e-cigarettes enhance infection by the virus, say University of California scientists.

Their findings, published in the American Journal of Physiology, showed that two chemicals, propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin enhanced COVID-19 infection through different mechanisms.

They found that adding benzoic acid, a chemical compound, to e-liquids prevents the infection caused by the chemicals.

Study first author Dr. Rattapol Phandthong said: “Users who vape aerosols produced from propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin alone or e-liquids with a neutral to basic pH are more likely to be infected by the virus.

“Users who vape aerosols made from e-liquids with benzoic acid, an acidic pH, will have the same viral susceptibility as individuals who do not vape.”

The team hopes the Food and Drug Administration will use their findings to implement regulatory laws on e-cigarette products.

“We hope our findings encourage vapers to stop vaping and discourage non-users from starting to vape.”

Originally published by Talker News

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