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FOMO: Don’t be Afraid to Stay in

Social media has high expectations, but I’ve learned being able to enjoy your own company is more important.

FOMO: Don’t be Afraid to Stay in (Photo: Matthew Henry/Unsplash)




After a long week at school or work, I want to unwind and have fun. But that looks different for everybody.

One Friday night, my friend texted me to come over and hang out with our friends, but I was already in pajamas and watching a TV show. My mind scrambled for an excuse to stay in, but then I thought, what if later on, I’d regret my choice to stay home?

While I ended up going and having a good time, there were moments where all I wished for was to be at home. 

In the age of social media, people around me try to portray their lives as nonstop fun – posting photos at parties and concerts all the time. As a result, the phenomenon “FOMO” — or the fear of missing out — affects a lot of people … including me. 

Seeing the value in spending time alone has helped me combat FOMO. I’ve always been able to enjoy my own company, but social media can inspire the idea that spending time with others is more valuable than spending time with myself. Instead, I’m learning to prioritize my comfort. I don’t have to always go out to have fun.

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