No Dorm Anymore, So I’m Taking a Gap Year

No Dorm Anymore, So I’m Taking a Gap Year (Photo courtesy of Lucy Barnum)

As a rising college freshman, I was so excited to move into my dorm and start the school year, even if COVID-19 made it a bit abnormal. Then my school cancelled underclassmen housing.

I’ve been excited to go to college since junior year of high school. I remember being on college tours, and imagining what my life would be like in two short years — living in a dorm, taking classes in whatever subject I chose.

But as I read the email that announced first- and second-year students would no longer be allowed on campus this fall, that vision was wiped away.

The aspect of college I was most looking forward to was the prospect of navigating the world on my own. Even if I had taken online courses from my dorm room, at least I would have a roommate I could see in person.

For now, I’m deferring my enrollment and taking a gap year. Hopefully I can find opportunities that mirror the college experience I was looking forward to — the independence and new life experiences.

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