Outraged Parents: NJ Schools Gender Identity Curriculum Is A ‘Woke Agenda’

"This super woke progressive agenda … it's so saturated with race and sex. And it's just like, can we just get back to teaching? I don't want a conservative school, I don't want a liberal school," said a parent.

Outraged Parents: NJ Schools Gender Identity Curriculum Is A ‘Woke Agenda’ (Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images)

ChicagoParents are railing against a New Jersey school district’s curriculum on gender identity.

Lawrence Township Public Schools’ curriculum includes lesson plans, books and assignments on gender identity that have caused parents to pull their kids out of the district, according to Fox News.  

One of those parents includes Robert Pluta, who pulled his children out of the district to leave behind what he called a “woke agenda” that “includes gender theory and all this other stuff that confuses our kids.” 

“This super woke progressive agenda … it’s so saturated with race and sex. And it’s just like, can we just get back to teaching? I don’t want a conservative school, I don’t want a liberal school,” Pluta said.

Another parent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, cited a lesson on the “gender snowperson” taught to fourth-grade students, who are asked to think of themselves as a “snowperson” and play a game where they can choose their gender.

“My main concern is that they’re pushing social transition. The curricula and the policy really promote, they really encourage children to consider social transition. Once you’ve led the horse to water, the horse is going to drink. That is what a lot of parents are so concerned about, that they’re actually encouraging it,” said a parent.

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