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Thinking About Adulthood at Just 20 Years Old

Thinking About Adulthood at Just 20 Years Old (Photo: Samantha Gades/Unsplash)




Oakland, CAAs a young person turning 21 soon, I should feel like a full-fledged adult, but I know I’m far from it.

Seeing people achieve success when they’re young paints an unrealistic standard. It’s so hard to be successful these days so I’m gonna have to work really hard through my twenties to be self-sufficient and comfortable. That’s when I really will feel like an adult.

At other points in my life, the milestones came faster and I felt ready for them.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teenager so bad, so it was a big deal when I turned 13.

When I turned 18, I was excited to be a voter. But it was Trump’s inauguration day –– a rude awakening for me. I felt even further away from the things I want to achieve.  

Two years later, it’s not any better. While other young people in their 20s might be excited to be partying, I’m worried about what’s to come. I won’t really feel grown up til I’ve made it. I’d love a steady paycheck, and my own house. As Jennifer Garner taught me, I can’t wait to be 30, flirty, and thriving.   

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