All Around The Country, Young People March For Our Lives

All Around The Country, Young People March For Our Lives

On Saturday, March 24th, students and allies from across the United States are gathering in Washington D.C. — and in communities across the country — with one message: #Enough.

Led by a group of teen survivors from the massacre last month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the movement has gone from student protests to a national desire to stem ongoing gun violence.

#MarchForOurLivesDC organizers say they expect up to 500,000 activists to march in the nation’s capital. That doesn’t count the throngs of protesters who will participate in the hundreds of satellite events around the country.

As we did for the walkouts earlier this month, Youth Radio has student correspondents across the country reporting from numerous marches, plus a student team in D.C., providing exclusive student-led coverage of this student-led movement.

Follow our student-led coverage live on @youthradio Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and come back here for highlights. This page will be updated throughout the day.

Huge turnout, Emotions On High

From D.C.: “I don’t appreciate people dying and brown people losing their lives.” — Raziah Lewis, 14, Washington, D.C. #MarchForOurLives #BlackLivesMatter #Enough

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

#MarchForOurLivesLittleRock in full effect #MarchForOurLives #LittleRock video by Zia Tollette

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

#MFOLBirmingham #MarchForOurLives #IWillMarch

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

Snow may have kept #MarchForOurLivesIndy inside but their spirits are high #MarchForOurLives #Indianapolis ?️ Ryan Shank

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

#MarchForOurLivesNOLA is underway. #NewOrleans #MarchForOurLives #IWillMarch #Enough ?️ @itskeliee

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

The Blair siblings from #Oakland, CA: Oscar Blair (left), 13, is a 7th grader at Brett Hart: “I think it’s stupid that they’ve made barely any change out of all of our efforts, and if they don’t do anything we will keep fighting.” #MarchForOurLives — reporting Sierra Fang-Horvath

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

Marchers bring strong sign and slogan game to protest

Oakland, CA: People are gathering in Frank Ogawa Plaza and singing “This Little Light of Mine,” but the words are “Make congress take action, I’m gonna let it shine.” reporting by Sierra Fang-Horvath #marchforourlives

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

#MarchForOurLives rally underway in Little Rock, Ark. #GunControl #EnoughIsEnough #MarchForOurLivesLittleRock. Reporting by Zia Tollette.

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

More photos from #MarchForOurLivesLansing. ?:@npbrao_ #MarchForOurLives #NeverAgain #Enough

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

Marches around the country get off to an early start

FYI this #MarchForOurLives in DC hasn’t even technically started yet

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

Snow isn’t stopping marchers in #Indianapolis. Organizers have moved the #MarchForOurLives rally inside the Statehouse, which can hold up to 6,000 people. Reporting by @SmithCaseyA #MarchForOurLivesIndy

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

In Parkland, FL Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Graduate (’08) returns home to support #MarchForOurLives #MSDStrong

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

#MarchForOurLives rally underway in Lansing, MI. Reporting by @npbrao_ #MarchForOurLivesLansing #NeverAgain #Enough

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

From D.C. > “Living in America shouldn’t be like living in a war zone. You should be able to go outside and go to clubs, go to school without having to fear for your life.” — Alyssa Misiewicz, 16, Cheshire High School, Connecticut #MarchForOurLives #NeverAgain

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

From Florida to D.C. > Naveen Farook, sophomore at Pembroke Pines Charter High School (left), and Ruby Alam, graduate of Pembroke Pines CHS. (Pembroke is 30 mins from #Parkland) #MarchForOurLives @marcorubio

— youthradio (@youthradio) March 24, 2018

The Lead Up To The March For Our Lives

A student-led movement demands student-led coverage.

To track the #neveragain movement through students’ eyes, Youth Radio’s team of young coders created this interactive map, highlighting teen activism from around the country via social posts.

Check it out here.

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