AP African American Classes To Be Offered At Many High Schools Nationwide

The courses at 60 schools will look at the history of civil rights, African American music, literature, the arts and humanities, political science, geography, science and will explore the contributions and experiences of African Americans.

AP African American Classes To Be Offered At Many High Schools Nationwide (GHI Vintage/Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

ChicagoHigh schools across the nation have started offering Advanced Placement courses on African American studies. 

According to CNN, the courses stem from a pilot program announced by the College Board in February, in which 60 schools will participate this semester. The courses will look at the history of civil rights, African American music, literature, the arts and humanities, political science, geography, science and will explore the contributions and experiences of African Americans.

The course is expected to be available to all interested high schools in the 2024-25 school year. 

Educator Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. hailed the new curriculum, noting the course work is “rigorously vetted.” 

“Nothing is more dramatic than having the College Board launch an AP course in a field — that signifies ultimate acceptance and ultimate academic legitimacy,” said Gates. “AP African American Studies is not CRT. It’s not the 1619 Project. It is a mainstream, rigorously vetted, academic approach to a vibrant field of study.”

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