Content in partnership with Marketplace

Life Lessons From Laundry

Life Lessons From Laundry (Kendrick with his grandfather, Craig. )




This story originally appeared on Marketplace

Teenagers are three times more likely to be unemployed in this country than adults. In Castro Valley, California there aren’t that many newspaper routes or lawns to mow.  But I was able to land a gig close to home, fixing washers and dryers with Grandpa.

We get the machines for free off Craigslist and bring them to my Grandpa’s backyard. It looks like a laundry graveyard but we know how to bring these machines back from the dead. Then we list them as refurbished back on Craigslist. I sold my first machine for $125. The money is good but it’s not the most important part for either of us.

I’m learning mechanical know-how, entrepreneurial skills, and getting a load of life lessons from my Grandpa.

Kendrick’s story comes to us from Youth Radio’s New Options Desk.

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