Britain’s Gen Z: Over Promoting Women’s Rights Is Discriminatory

Britain’s Gen Z: Over Promoting Women’s Rights Is Discriminatory (Getty Images)

The majority of Gen Z and millennials believe women’s rights have gone too far in Britain, according to a survey by Ipsos UK and the Global institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London.

About 52% of Gen Z and 53% of millennials said society has gone so far in promoting women’s rights that it’s discriminating against men, the Telegraph reported. Comparatively, 4 in 10 baby boomers (40%) and Gen X (46%) agreed. The survey, which came amid International Women’s Day, found that people in Britain are increasingly afraid of promoting women’s rights for fear of retaliation. 

However, the survey also revealed optimistic results. Almost half of Britons (47%) think equality between men and women will be achieved within their lifetime, compared to 40% in 2018.

The research shows significant progress on gender equality while showing the public is starting to push back on it, said Kelly Beave MBE, chief executive of Ipso, UK.

“Over the coming years, we will continue to measure this shift and I hope that we will see this discomfort shift and I hope that we will see this discomfort shift to acceptance, acceptance that achieving gender equality is an essential evolution for British society,” Beaver said.

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