Is Your School Requiring Vaccinations Before the Fall Semester?

Is Your School Requiring Vaccinations Before the Fall Semester? (Photo: by Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images)

U.S. vaccination requirements for students at universities and colleges have proven to be just as complicated as the frenetic fall 2020 semester, an analysis from NBC News found.

An NBC News analysis of nearly 400 colleges and universities requiring the COVID-19 vaccination found that the vast majority have unclear directions, loopholes or legal complications.

The analysis found that schools in 15 states, including Alabama, Florida and Arizona, which have seen some of the highest numbers of coronavirus cases in the country, do not require students to be vaccinated. In the Northeast, 208 schools are requiring vaccinations, compared to 51 schools in the South.

The analysis also found that Georgia has more than 70 colleges and universities, but only six of them require vaccinations. Of those six, four are Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Additionally, 75% of the schools analyzed allow for religious exemptions from vaccination requirements.

NBC News has created a database with information from colleges across the country requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for when the fall semester comes.

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