Content in partnership with Washington Square News

Beyond Books and Bedding: The Comfort Objects Students Bring to College

College is a period of uncharted change. Here’s what five students brought to school to help them stay grounded through it all.

Beyond Books and Bedding: The Comfort Objects Students Bring to College (Getty Images)

by Michael Lando

This story was originally published on New York University’s Washington Square News.

Deciding what to bring to college is a unique and personal process. After all, our belongings tell our story. They can reflect our interests, remind us of our loved ones, even serve as timestamps. They remind us of our past and help us envision our future. In college, these objects comfort us, acting as central fixtures in the spaces we call our temporary homes. 

Sometimes, the items we bring seem superfluous. If I had to count how many times my mom asked me, “Do you really need that?” while I was packing for school, I easily would have lost track after at least 10. Yet, objects that seem to lack a definite purpose still find themselves in our suitcases, reassuring us in the wake of what may be an otherwise volatile period in our lives. 

At NYU, students’ belongings can help make their new spaces really feel like home.

  • Birthday candles
  • A hand-sewn bag
  • A wooden elephant
  • Postcards upon postcards
  • A stuffed dog

Read the rest of the story at Washington Square News.

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