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Deciding To Come Out As Bisexual To My Boyfriend

Deciding To Come Out As Bisexual To My Boyfriend




Coming out as bisexual to my friends and family was hard. But just when I thought I was done, my new relationship–with a boy!–pushed me back into the closet.

After the anxiety of coming out to my loved ones, I thought, at least I don’t have to do that again.

But then I started dating my boyfriend.

I was so invested in the relationship, it didn’t even occur to me to tell him that I was bi.

A couple months in, I still hadn’t told him. I started worrying about how he’d react. Would he still like me? Would he see it as a threat to our relationship?

Once I worked up the courage, I broke the news via text. Waiting for his response was nerve-wracking.

And you know what? I shouldn’t have been worried. He didn’t have a problem with my sexuality. And, actually, confiding in him built more trust.

I felt a huge weight lifted off my chest. But I also realized I’ll have to come out again and again. I’m not sure if it’ll get easier. But I’m ready to embrace it to present who I am to the world.

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