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Feeling Unprotected By School Security

Feeling Unprotected By School Security




My mom always told my sister and me to never let anyone search or question us without her knowing or being there. I would have felt a lot better knowing she was contacted before I was pulled out of class for an incident that didn’t even involve me.

A school security guard had just removed me from my classroom and taken me to the office.

The guard and a school counselor said they were going to have to search my bag.

The whole thing was a case of mistaken identity, and I didn’t have anything in my bag that violated school policy. But that’s not the point.I felt violated. Like the school had more control over me and my personal belongings than I did.

The Oakland Unified School District recently passed a new policy saying school police officers must tell students that they have the right for a parent to be present before and during an interrogation.

This spring, I transferred out of my high school because of what happened. I hope the new policy means that no kid ever feels that uncomfortable or unprotected on school grounds again.

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