Figuring Out Your 20s: Moving To A New State

I was reminded to pause and reflect on the recent months, enjoy my current experiences and identify lessons I’ve learned since moving to Seattle to become better.

Figuring Out Your 20s: Moving To A New State (Getty Images)

Early adulthood has proven to be filled with change, expected or not. My friend, Faith Merritt, knows all too well what it’s like having to start over again in a new city in early adulthood. 

For this column, I decided to sit with my friend to ask about her recent cross-country move. She shared challenges, lessons and sentiments on the experience. 

Born and raised in North Carolina, Merritt liked stability. She challenged herself to go beyond the desire to keep things the same and moved to Massachusetts for college. After graduating from college, she embarked on the journey of a lifetime and moved cross-country to Seattle, to start her career. She recently completed yet another cross-country move and is now based in New York City.

When asked what challenges she experienced during her first move, she noted it was friendships and building a community. She wondered how she would venture into this new city where she knew no one; thankfully, she met someone in the same boat and eventually built a solid community. 

She shared how she felt moving to a place where she knew no one. 

“I was so scared that I would be in this new space and just not know anyone,” Merritt said.

Embarking on building a new life in yet another city, the challenge of friendship continues to present itself since people have their friend groups already. There was also the discussion of navigating the challenging New York City housing market. With determination and past experience finding somewhere to live, she knew what apartment amenities she desired and the neighborhoods she was interested in. 

There are many lessons to learn, and the one emphasized during this conversation was how you’re responsible for your personal brand. She regrets her approach in Seattle, where she didn’t put herself out there socially, and promises she’ll do things differently now. There’s a responsibility to show people the person you want them to believe you are.

This move presented an exciting opportunity for Merritt to explore a new area and continue evolving into the person she’s destined to be. It’s easy to get caught up in ensuring everything is taken care of for the change that you forget to reflect on where you currently are. Merritt shared how it’s important to soak in your last moments and make time for other things.

With no personal desire to make another cross-country move, this conversation was still extremely inspiring. I was reminded to pause and reflect on the recent months, enjoy my current experiences, and identify lessons I’ve learned since moving to Seattle to become better.

You can follow Merritt on Instagram at @v.jera to keep up with her adventures in New York City. 

Tracy Noze is a Seattle-based journalist.

Edited by Nykeya Woods

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