What’s better? Going out-of-state for college, or staying close to home?
It’s an age old question, and not one that has an easy answer. It ultimately falls to what each and every person’s situation looks like, and so I looked no further than to the teens around me.
Jonathan Galindo, an in-coming freshman to Harold Washington College, gave his thoughts on staying in the Windy City. “It’s just easier for me financially and emotionally. My friends and family are here… plus everything feels at arms range for me in Chicago, and overall I just love the city.” He added, “I still would’ve loved to go out of state just to surround myself in a new environment.”
Makes sense. You want to do what’s best for you financially, and staying in-state helps a lot with that. That doesn’t mean you’re going to stay in Chicago forever, but for now, it’s where you might feel comfortable, and what’s best for your future.
Fontina Battaglia, an in-coming freshman to Saint Olaf College, in Northfield, Minnesota, had a different perspective. “I chose to go out of state because I don’t like my parents,” she said. If your situation at home is too much, do what you need to do. College can be the perfect opportunity to start off fresh and get away from those you don’t want to spend time with. Battaglia also noted that she is ready for change. She added, “There were better opportunities outside of Chicago, and I was interested in living in a different area.”
This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.