Issues Pushing Young People to the Polls

Issues Pushing Young People to the Polls (Photo Credit: Nathan Dumlao via Unsplash)

Oakland, CAYoung people across the nation are showing up to the polls in record numbers. They are voting early, taking selfies with “I Voted” stickers, and calling upon their friends to get out to the polling stations, too.

According to a poll by CIRCLE, almost twice as many young voters said they would vote for a Democratic candidate versus a Republican in the midterm election. When you take a look at social media, that shows up in how young people talk about the issues that are driving them to the polls today.


In cities across the country, homelessness is a big concern for young people. They’re using Election Day to give voice to the homeless community.


For first-generation voters and naturalized citizens, voting is a privilege their parents may not have. Immigration reform is another motivation driving students and young people to utilize their vote.

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Is throwing it back on a Tuesday a thing? ??‍♀️ #TBT to mailing in my ballot a few weeks ago?? Pueden notar el orgullo en mi cara? ? Storytime cause I know some of y’all are waiting in line to vote (woo!) or considering going at all. A few months ago, I participated in my sorority’s #LambdaHillDays advocacy program for the second year and had the opportunity to meet the determination, resiliency, and motivation that drives not only our sisterhood but communities. We shared our community’s stories with our elected officials in Texas on how impactful their hesitation and opposition of passing a clean Dream Act had(and continues to have) on not only the future of 800,000 young people, but the 120,000 DREAMERs in Texas who contribute every day to make Texas the great state it is. One office listened and validated the work that needed to be done. The other said our Senator considered DREAMERs their constituents, but wasn’t going to support the passing of any DREAM Act nor other legislation that would grant a pathway to citizenship for anyone “here illegally”, DREAMERs included. To him, there was no bipartisan option. Texans, can you guess what Senator that was? Over a year later, and our DACAmented and undocumented community’s lives are still on hold. Families are still separated and children remain detained. Our LGBTQ, immigrant, Muslim, and black and brown communities are still being attacked. All in the state we call Home. Texas deserves better. Our communities deserve better. Find your motivation, USE your PRIVILEGE, and vote. You have a whole community who depends on you. #WhyIVote #LTAVotes #tuvototuvoz #LatinasVote P.s. mail in ballots should really include a sticker ??‍♀️? someone send me one profa!

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Health Care

Young people with access to government-funded health care are voting for more expansive coverage.

Gun Control

Many of the students using the #WalkOutToVote hashtag see voting for gun control as akin to voting for their lives.

Abortion Rights

Young people on both sides of the abortion rights debate are taking to social media to share how this one issue affects how they vote today.

The main message today from young folks is to exercise our right to vote, regardless of the issues that get us to the polls.

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