What is a Lazy Girl Job?

These jobs entail simple tasks such as copying and pasting emails, attending a few calls and taking extended breaks, all while enjoying a comfortable salary.

What is a Lazy Girl Job? (Getty Images)

The TikTok sensation of #lazygirljob has taken social media by storm, with millions of users expressing their love for these laid-back roles.

These jobs entail simple tasks such as copying and pasting emails, attending a few calls and taking extended breaks, all while enjoying a comfortable salary. The concept of a lazy girl job (LGJ) revolves around non-technical positions that require minimal interaction with colleagues and involve repetitive responsibilities like email responses and drafting documents. Safety, flexibility, good benefits, a reasonable income and low stress levels are among the appealing aspects of LGJs, according to Yahoo Finance.

Gabrielle Judge, a former LGJ holder and creator of the “Anti-Work Girl Boss” brand, advocates for this trend, highlighting the importance of work-life balance. LGJs allow individuals to redirect their mental energy and overtime hours towards their passions, family, travel and social life, rather than being consumed by an unappreciative employer.

The rise of LGJs is a reaction to the hustle culture and burnout experienced in the 2010s. Gen Z, entering the workforce amidst a global health crisis, is more assertive in seeking work-life balance compared to previous generations. The trend is a counter to the “lean in” and “girlboss” eras that encouraged women to constantly strive for career success.

Many women feel tired of putting in excessive effort only to see men easily receive promotions. They now question the value of being proactive in a system that seems to work against them. While the LGJ trend may be misconstrued as a return to gender roles of the past, it is actually a response to the relentless grind of the previous decade.

However, this trend may not have a long lifespan due to the imminent threat of automation. Many LGJs could be replaced by AI, leading to potential job losses. To thrive in the face of this technology, Gen Z will need to be more productive and offer unique services that cannot be replicated by AI.

Despite its potential ephemerality, the LGJ trend reflects Gen Z’s anti-work mentality and their desire to navigate capitalism on their own terms. It challenges traditional notions of productivity and emphasizes the importance of work-life boundaries.

While primarily associated with women, LGJs are not exclusive to any gender. Men are also embracing this trend, showcasing a new era of work boundaries. However, it’s crucial to recognize that obtaining an LGJ may require a certain level of privilege, and not everyone can easily access these roles.

The #lazygirljob trend signifies a shift in how the youngest generation approaches work. It emphasizes a desire for a balanced life within the confines of capitalism, rejecting the idea that work should be an all-encompassing aspect of their existence. As this trend gains momentum, it serves as a powerful message from workers to companies, demanding a more thoughtful and accommodating work environment.

Noumaan Faiz, (he/him) is a journalist and entertainer from Hayward, CA who covers culture and entertainment.

Edited by Nykeya Woods

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