Y’all Really Think A ‘Thumbs Up’ Emoji Is Problematic???

Words hurt, but emojis can hurt more.

Y’all Really Think A ‘Thumbs Up’ Emoji Is Problematic???

Alabama; TroyDoes it make you upset when your friend doesn’t respond back to your text message as enthusiastically as you expected?

According to an article by FOX News, certain emojis can be passive-aggressive. 

Gen Z has an entire list of anti-emojis that are considered “old” or “dry,” but the “loudly crying face” can be triggering for some because it is considered “annoying.”

The use of emojis was popularized by smartphones, and throughout the years, new emojis have been added with iOS and Android updates. 

How one interprets emojis is different for everyone — especially if you do not know the person’s true personality.

While some are understanding, others are not.

According to a poll of 2000 people aged 16-29 by Daily Mail, the top 10 emojis that make you look “old” are:

1 – Thumbs up – 24% 

2 – Red love heart – 22%

3 – OK hand – 20%

4 – Tick – 17%

5 – Poo – 17%

6 – Loudly crying face – 16% 

7 – Monkey eye cover – 15%

8 – Clapping hands – 10%

9 – Lipstick kiss mark – 10%

10 – Grimacing face – 9%

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