Content in partnership with True Star

My 10-Day Detachment from Instagram

“I wanted to see how long I could resist the urge, how I would cope without the constant triggers that kept me hooked. Initially, my goal was to last over a month, but reality hit sooner than expected.” -Ashely Gore

My 10-Day Detachment from Instagram (Getty Images)

Taking a break from Instagram was like stepping into a parallel universe for me. For 10 whole days, I bid farewell to the endless scroll, the dopamine hits from likes, and the instant gratification that had become a part of my daily routine. It was a challenge, akin to kicking a smoking habit or breaking any addiction that lures you back with its quick fixes and fleeting pleasures. 

My decision to go cold turkey on Instagram stemmed from a growing concern about my screen time. Hours would slip away unnoticed as I mindlessly scrolled through feeds, seeking that temporary high of validation or the thrill of seeing perfectly curated lives. I wanted to see how long I could resist the urge, how I would cope without the constant triggers that kept me hooked.

Initially, my goal was to last over a month, but reality hit sooner than expected. Despite falling short of my target, those 10 days taught me invaluable lessons. One of the most eye-opening realizations was how much teenagers care about their online image. 

I found myself overthinking about what others might think if I took a break. It’s funny how we all strive to portray perfection, fearing judgment even when taking a step back could be the healthiest choice. Moreover, I had tied my identity too closely to my Instagram profile. It was as if my worth was measured by the number of likes or the glamour of my posts. 

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

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