The Gee Code: The Power of AI for Gen Z Influencers

The Gee Code: The Power of AI for Gen Z Influencers

These days, tech companies are sprinkling a bit of AI in everything. 

In the dynamic world of social media, Gen Z influencers are constantly seeking innovative ways to scale their online presence and engage their audiences. The rise of generative AI offers emerging and large-scale influencers to create content, captions and edit images by typing in a simple request for an AI-powered action.

Platforms like Caption AI, for example, utilize AI algorithms to generate SEO captions for social posts. It analyzes current trends, keywords and user behavior to generate captions that enhance discoverability and engagement.

ImageWiz, on the other hand, uses AI to automatically enhance images, adjust colors and apply filters, allowing influencers to edit photos in a fraction of time it would take for them to do it manually.

My feelings about influencer’s using AI are pretty similar to my thoughts about the use of AI in newsrooms. At its core, AI is made to be a tool, not a replacement for original content. 

AI platforms provide a time-efficient approach to content creation and genuinely, who doesn’t want more time in all aspects of life. 

Influencers already spend anywhere from 20 to 80 hours per week ideating content, capturing content (in video or still images) and editing content prior to creating a strategy to publish. While some influencers make it so big that they end up hiring a team of people to do these varying tasks, most opt into working alone.

If an AI platform can cut that time down for them, I’m all for it. 


Because not only will the use of AI platforms allow existing influencers to spend less time on projects, I believe that it will also allow a new generation on influencers to be born.

Aspiring influencers will now have access to advanced technology to boost their careers that have never been available before.

Considering the fact that 1 in 4 Gen Z have aspirations to become an influencer and make a career out of it, I’m sure these platforms will be utilized in any way possible that helps boost these aspirations.

But, as always, the major concerns around AI-generated content is that it may lack the authenticity and personal touch that audiences crave. Gen Z influencers are known for their relatability and ability to establish genuine connections with their followers. Relying too heavily on AI-generated content runs the risk of diluting their unique voice and diminishing the authentic, emotional connection they have with their audience.

Keeping it gee, As Gen Z influencers navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, AI presents both opportunities and challenges. As new AI-powered platforms continue to emerge, it is crucial for influencers to remain mindful of the ethical implications and ensure that AI remains a valuable tool rather than a replacement for their unique voice and personal creativity.

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