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Shopping on Social Media Preferred More Than Other Methods

Facebook is the most popular at 85%; Instagram is second at 49% and TikTok finishes at 38%.

Shopping on Social Media Preferred More Than Other Methods (Getty Images)

The poll of 2,000 U.S. adults who use social media found that 68% have shopped through their social media feeds, and the average person would willingly spend a maximum of $262 on any single item they come across.

Respondents were found to use Facebook (85%), Instagram (49%) and TikTok (38%) on a regular basis. However, 75% admitted a ban on TikTok would have “little to no” impact on how they shop.

Social media users said they like using platforms for shopping because it makes the experience easier or more convenient (33%), they’re already on social media often enough (32%), and because they can see exactly how products are used or how they perform (30%).

People also said they prefer social media shopping because they see better deals offered on social media (26%), it’s more fun and exciting (22%) and it’s easier to search than a physical store (20%).

Commissioned by UserTesting and conducted by Talker Research, the survey found 72% of social media purchases are unplanned and spontaneous — people were buying everything from clothing (52%) to gifts (33%), shoes and accessories (33%), beauty products (30%) and even electronics (28%).

Close to two-thirds (62%) were generally satisfied with the products they’ve bought through social media, compared to traditional online retailers. Similarly, 68% described their average experience as positive.

Nearly half (47%) said they’d likely purchase something seen on social media if they see others using it, and one in five respondents have experienced a fear of missing out (FOMO) from seeing others use advertised items.

Although 46% of respondents reported purchasing items through social media that did not match their advertisements, nearly three-quarters indicated they would continue to use the same platforms for future shopping.


  • It’s easier/more convenient – 33%
  • I’m on social media often – 32%
  • I can see how the product is used/how it performs – 30%
  • Better deals are offered on social media – 25%
  • It’s more fun/exciting – 22%
  • It’s easier to search for items through social media than physical stores – 20%
  • Better gift ideas are on social media – 20%

Originally published by Talker News

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