I remember the first time I got Snapchat: I saw my best friend using it and I thought it looked pretty cool so I got it on my phone. Over the years Snapchat became more popular and Instagram struck in popularity too. It looked cool so of course I got that too. I’ve noticed Snapchat has become even more popular in the last year with the new daily filters and the new creative location tags. At the same time, Instagram added stories to their app as well. So is Instagram updating to look more like Snapchat stories?
This roundtable conversation explored the following questions:
- Can you describe the difference between Instagram and Snapchat
- After this shocking Instagram update how do feel snapchat should react to the new Insta Stories.
- How do you think Instagram will be different in the year 2018? Would it be more like Snapchat or will Instagram go it’s own way?
- Which app ( Instagram or Snapchat) do you prefer now in 2016 and why?
- How do you feel about the Instagram update if you had a chance would you change back?
- Which app is the easiest to use? (Instagram or Snapchat)