Looking Back on My College Application Process

LaVie Saad got into her dream college. But while working hard to achieve her goals, her health took a hit throughout her time in high school.

Looking Back on My College Application Process (Getty Images)

The college application process is finally over for me. Throughout my high school career, I packed my schedule with activities and tough classes in hopes of impressing admissions. While I don’t regret much, there are a few things I wish I did differently.

Since 8th grade, most of my concerns were college-related. After long days of school and extracurricular activities, I always started my homework immediately. From internships to tutoring to Advanced Placement classes, I worked myself to the bone to achieve my goal: acceptance into a top college. 

I’m glad I put in the work, but I do wish I took care of my health more. Maybe if I prioritized myself a little more, I wouldn’t have developed a poor snacking habit that ruined my skin sophomore year. I might’ve also avoided terrible sleep deprivation and a very poor immune system, which both lasted three years.

And most of all, I wish I didn’t stress so much after college apps were submitted. Extra worries didn’t impact my decisions in the slightest; if only I realized that in January.

This fall, I’m starting my first year at Stanford. I still plan to work just as hard as I did in high school in college, but I hope to take better care of myself. I’ll not only be more mindful of what I put on my plate, but I’ll also remember to listen to what my body needs.

LaVie Saad (she/her), is a rising freshman at Stanford University.

Edited by Amber Ly

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