Pros, Cons Of A CPS Mental Health Day

Check out a student’s perspective.

Pros, Cons Of A CPS Mental Health Day (Provided by True Star)

Chicago Public Schools and the state of Illinois have implemented a plan to help students with their mental wellness. 

Mental health days are now a plausible absence in CPS’ grading system, Aspen, as long as you call your school’s main office to alert them of the absence. Since the beginning of 2022, all students have five days yearly they can utilize for their wellness to release stress, catch up on late work, or just take a day to relax. 

Keep in mind that these days cannot be used consecutively.

As a student who, like most, has had multiple experiences with being overwhelmed by schoolwork, I thought it would be beneficial to peers similar to me, to write a pro’s and con’s list about mental health days from my personal perspective.


  • 24 hours of dedicated time to decompress!
  • CPS mental health days are a good way to cope healthily, compared to skipping classes and avoiding homework.


  • Missing a day can cause you to fall behind, especially when you consider how close you are to the end of the quarter or the end of the semester.
  • Sometimes it does take a while for the absence to go into the system as an excused one, so detentions may automatically be assigned leading to further confusion. 

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

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