How to Make the Most of Spring Break
Even though spring break is seen as a time to rest, it can also be most effective to check off some stuff on your bucket list and be productive. How people spend their spring break has no right or wrong way.

Spring break does not have a singular meaning besides it being a usual week off from school and time to allow students to spend it accordingly. The idea of how spring break should or is spent relaxing by many due to what is in the name itself taking a “break.”
Spring break’s origin began with Greek and Romans celebrating the spring as a fortune of a new start and beginnings. This term is not foreign to many countries across the globe, and different areas have unique reasons for providing spring break to students. The primary purpose of the time off is to give students a break from studying or simply get some rest. Either way, it is a gift due to students, including myself, getting time away from school to work on specific activities, I would have instead been writing a paper in the given moment.
This seasonal break tends to occur in mid-March or April, depending on the location, and usually gets college students eager to have fun over the period. Even though it typically lasts a week, it will fly as fast as a blink. Therefore, how days off are used depends on what an individual wants from leisure time.
There are many exciting and fun ways to get the most out of it, including traveling to different locations, local, national or abroad, and working on passion projects. It can be an experience where hanging out with family for a couple of days, and then the rest of the time is spent working on set goals.
I have spent spring break working on writing self-discovery pieces for other publications and interviewed more special guests representing various industries on my podcast “100% Real with Ashleigh Ewald Talk Show.” I use the time to work toward my personal and professional goals by producing something for the community. That way, my experiences and story brought to life through multiple communications methods make my spring break more meaningful by adding to the community. Although I enjoy working on passion projects, for instance, creating networking public policy events for my school and keeping up with my exercise, I know how to take time.
Even though spring break is seen as a time to rest, it can also be most effective to check off some stuff on your bucket list and be productive. The healthy balance of hustle and grind will reap the most rewarding results. How people spend their spring break has no right or wrong way.