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How I Define Feminism

How I Define Feminism (Photo: Lindsey LaMont/Unsplash)




I am a feminist. But somehow, people continue to look for ways my self expression contradicts that.  

I’ve been told by classmates, teachers and family members; “I hate to see you objectify your own body.” “You’re too loud.” “You’re not outspoken enough.” “Why don’t you talk about all women instead of just highlighting women of color?” I’m continuously lectured on the ways in which my feminism isn’t real feminism. 

I am aware that my choice of attire and how I speak impacts how others view me. But I’m tired of being expected to conform to other people’s standards of what a feminist should be. 

The movement has been characterized differently through generations. And honestly, it has evolved.  

The way I see it, this new wave of feminism is not one-dimensional. It’s defined by the individual. It can be modesty and nudity. Pro-life for yourself, but pro-choice for all women. 

My feminism is equality, equity and equal opportunity for all genders. It is accepting that all women are different. We don’t all share the same views and that’s okay. 

So I’ll continue to speak my mind and express my beliefs despite people’s opinions of me.  

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