Michigan Takes Action Against Conversion Therapy

Michigan Takes Action Against Conversion Therapy (Photo: Getty Images)

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently signed an executive order that prohibits any state or federal funds to be used for conversion therapy for a queer or transgender youth.

Whitmer said the executive order shows that “hate has no home in Michigan” for any treatments that aim to “cure” the sexual orientation or gender identity of a queer or transgender youth. 

“My administration is committed to addressing the systemic barriers faced by young LGBTQ+ Michiganders so that our state is a place where they are able to reach their full potential,” she said in a statement. “The actions we take today will serve as a starting point in protecting our LGBTQ+ youth from the damaging practice of conversion therapy and in ensuring that Michigan is a reflection of true inclusion.”

Currently, 20 states have banned conversion therapy at the legislative level, while a few states have taken other measures to decrease the practice. Whitmer’s order also orders the state to explore further means of restricting conversion therapy from being practiced in Michigan.

Several LGBTQ+ organizations applauded Whitmer’s move, saying that she is doing “everything in her power” to shield youth from a “dangerous, fraudulent practice.”

“No child should be subjected to the abusive practice of so-called conversion therapy, which sends the harmful message that there is something wrong with who you are,” said Equality Michigan Executive Director Erin Knott in a statement.

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