Coronavirus Comes to Campus

San Francisco, California

It all started in early March, when surreal announcements began appearing in student inboxes. Schools were closing, classes canceled or moved online, students asked to clear out our things and go home. For some of us, campus is home, or at least where we get meals and connect with our chosen families. But social distancing is the only option. So we’re taking to Twitter, TikTok and Instagram to stay connected and share our lives, using hashtags like #quarantime, #quarantineinsixwords and #quarantinelife. We’ve mapped our reactions to those first announcements and how we’re finding new normals during this weird and wild time to be alive.

The school district just sent out an email about the COVID-19 virus. Minnesota just got its first case today, it’s getting real out here. May Allah protect everyone from being exposed to the virus.

— DipseŦ (@Eastside_Brody) March 7, 2020

California Chino Hills school choir stages beautiful, heartfelt high school concert remotely via Zoom

— Jami Breese (@BreezeTribe) March 22, 2020

The fact I’m packing up my dorm room that I loved on Wednesday is enough to make me cry. This sucks @LifeAtPurdue

— Kathy Grover (@GroverKatherine) March 23, 2020

#CancelEverything y'all need to chill out. I got 2 more months left until I graduate High School & walk across that stage 😭😑

— E🥀 (@Edward_Riley0) March 11, 2020

You know.... I’ve seen a lot of colleges start refunds or at least acknowledge they’re on the way. @HowardU I think you’re doing okay, but you’re a top tier school and need to start doing more. The entire board is filled with lawyers, ceos, and people who can make themselves

— 📍 (@MajaPorter) March 23, 2020

Gimme an “I”
Gimme a “H”
Gimme an “A”
Gimme a “T”
Gimme a “E”
Gimme a “Online college because a house of six people is not the place to try to focus on things and taking classes from my bedroom is really obstructing my ability to actually learn and comprehend thi

— han (@han_jablonski) March 19, 2020


— B (@LifeOfBrivnn) March 23, 2020

hahah I don’t want to move out of my dorm but I wouldn’t mind online classes #coronavirus #rhodeisland #foryou #fyp #PlayWithLife

♬ not for you - curłyheâd_piink

Nebraska decided to be the last big 10 school to close as it is very on brand for us to be basically last in everything

— Kaylee Langland (@kayleelangland) March 12, 2020

I think this online school thing has a higher chance of killing me than the Corona Virus. #BYU

— maile ashdown🐣🐥 (@MaileAshdown) March 19, 2020

Every public school in Arkansas closed down but guess what? I GO TO A PRIVATE INSTITUTION AND I GOT CLASS TOMORROW. Let me tell y’all how busy the devil has been lately.

— Austin (@AusDaBoss_) March 15, 2020

Struggles of going to college across the country, i might just go psycho #coronavirus #foryou #fyp #college #virginia #alaska

♬ Psycho! - MASE

@uvmvermont could you please at least give us 1k credit per student or something or even tell us a time frame for how long this will last, at the minimum (despite the evolving situation)? That would be great thanks! #coronavirus #2020 #uvm #unexpected #givearefund

— Jaffrey (@Jaffrey6) March 19, 2020

I see online classes are going just as terribly as I assumed they would...

— The Original B (@the_original_b_) March 23, 2020

Additional Resources

Social distancing, self isolation, physical distancing, self quarantining: We compiled a list of things you might enjoy doing while social distancing (besides sorting through that miscellaneous drawer filled with soy sauce packets and random rubber bands). We understand not everyone has the privilege to practice social distancing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Take everyday precautions” section goes over what you can do during and after necessary outings.

Hygiene: You’re going to have to start washing your hands more than you’ve ever washed your hands before, so it’s time to brush up on your handwashing technique. You also should wash and wipe down high-touch devices like your phone, remotes, tablets and keyboards.

Something COVID-19 has made increasingly clear: how interconnected we are. If you are able, there is more you can do for your community than keep a six-foot distance. Find ways to help or get your own needs met by browsing this state directory of mutual aid resources.

We all respond differently to crises. Care for Your Coronavirus Anxiety provides a host of resources including meditations and articles to keep you centered during this uncertain time. We created our own mental health resource called “Feeling Some Type of Way” to help you explore your mental health options.


Curators: Anika Nayak, Catherine Shuttleworth, Lea Wolff, Melissa Franco, Olivia Sally, Rainier Harris, Victoria Feng, Zaid Fattah
Editors/Producers: Lauren Rascoe, Marjerrie Masicat, Nimah Gobir, Lissa Soep
Designer: Marjerrie Masicat
Developer: Radamés Ajna