Five Steps to Better Earthquake Preparedness

Following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, folks in California know they need to be better prepared. Here’s 5 tips to stay safer in an emergency.

Five Steps to Better Earthquake Preparedness (Getty Images)

With the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria we at YR Media want to make sure everyone feels comfortable and prepared, in case something as terrible as an earthquake happens near you. 

Here are 5 easy steps to better prepare yourself for an earthquake.

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Emergency bag for an earthquake 

The earliest thing you can do to prepare for an earthquake is make an emergency bag. It doesnt need to be as elaborate as the image above, but the point is that if you take some of these items, your chance of survival in an earthquake and its aftermath rises by quite a bit. Some things to consider having in this bag are a flashlight if electricity is out, a lighter for fires or food, a whistle in case you are trapped, water(very important!), some food, and some cash in case you don’t have enough when you leave. Having this near you where you sleep or leave the building can be a life saver.

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Shoes by the bed 

Another very easy and smart precaution to take is to always have a pair of shoes next to your bed, to put them on quickly in an emergency. What this offers is quick and easy protection from the elements, as there will be glass and other dangerous objects littering the floor.

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Create a plan

It’s always a great idea to memorize escape methods from your house or apartment. In the case of any emergency, you should know at least two different options available to you. Why two? Because in case the first plan is inaccessible, it’s important to be prepared for any possibility. My family always has a plan in case of any emergency, and it makes me feel safer at least having the idea of where to go.

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Have a universal phone number

In a serious emergency such as an earthquake it’s important to know who to call after the initial shock and where to stay. Setting up a person or phone number to communicate with after an event like this can help everyone reorganize themselves. For example, my family plans if ever in an emergency to contact my grandfather, that way we can all make sure we are okay, even if we are across states or countries, we all have one place to contact.

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Knowing where your water and gas valves are

One thing many forget is that you still have a responsibility to where you live. It’s likely that a gas pipe or water pipe could have burst during the earthquake so knowing where these valves are is essential if you plan on helping rescue efforts be more effective or if you just want the home to be that much safer. If you aren’t aware, more damage could occur to your property or worse it could cause a gas fire, possibly hurting others significantly.

I hope that you have learned something new or were at least reminded about these important precautionary steps to take. Living in California, we all know a big earthquake is coming. Just be ready and take the steps you can actively take to face it.

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