NYU Students Protest Anti-Abortion Demonstrators

NYU students rallied for reproductive rights in Washington Square Park last Thursday in response to an anti-abortion protest outside of NYU’s Bobst Library the previous week.

NYU Students Protest Anti-Abortion Demonstrators (Sam Tu via Washington Square News)

by Lauren Ashe

This story was originally published on New York University’s Washington Square News.

Dozens gathered near the Washington Square Park arch in support of reproductive rights on March 31 in response to an anti-abortion protest that took place outside of Bobst Library the prior week. The protest was organized by GLS sophomore JJ Briscoe, Silver sophomore Gigi Moss, CAS sophomore Tina Panda and LS sophomore Pramath Misra. 

The 15 anti-abortion protesters who demonstrated on campus on March 23 said they were from Created Equal, a national organization that travels around the country picketing at universities, abortion clinics and parks. They wore body cameras and displayed images of aborted fetuses.

The four student organizers encountered the anti-abortion protest separately while walking to class. They said they felt encouraged to start their own rally to call on NYU to change its response to incidents affecting students near campus.

“We’re in New York City, at NYU,” Briscoe said. “Is that actually going to happen? Are we going to let that fly? I don’t think that we should.”

Read the rest of the story at Washington Square News.

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