Now That Roe Has Been Overturned, What Else is at Stake?
Check out these four human rights cases some are concerned could be overturned in the wake of the recent overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

With the recent overturning of Roe vs. Wade, many are concerned that the decision is setting a precedent to overturn other human rights cases.
Griswold vs. Connecticut was a law that allowed people with uteruses the right to contraception. Rightfully so, many people are worried that their rights to contraception are being threatened. However, according to South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, the rights to contraception should be protected because they do not deal with “potential for life”.
There are concerns about maintaining the legality of same-sex marriage. With many conservative elected officials who are openly anti-LGBTQ+, Justice Clarence Thomas suggested that the rights of queer folks who want to pursue marriage could be threatened as well. Justice Clarence Thomas seems to be intent on working to outlaw the rights and privacies of many queer and trans people across the United States.
In 1954, the ruling for Brown vs. Board of Education allowed students of color to attend any public school, regardless of their racial or ethnic identity. Many are also worried about this case being overturned, given the amount of conservative and openly racist supreme court justices.
Loving vs. Virginia was passed in 1967, allowing people to marry partners of a different race than their own.
It can seem difficult to find hope after the overturning of rulings like Roe vs. Wade. However, there are a few ways that anyone can take action in their day to day lives.
- Donate to The Brigid Alliance
Although abortions are now illegal in certain states, it is still possible for people to have abortions. The Brigid Alliance provides transportation and care to those seeking abortions. By donating, you could help someone to get the cost-effective, judgment-free care they need. Make it general to other places too.
- Explore sites like We Won’t Go Back to get involved with action in your area. We Won’t Go Back helps people to find upcoming protests and collective demonstrations of activism nearby. If you are comfortable being in a group setting, you can use sites similar to We Won’t Go Back to get involved in local activism.
- Be in community with others
Unfortunately, being in community with those around us likely won’t make change at The Supreme Court level. However, in times where people are struggling to find hope, it is important to communicate with and support those who are impacted by such rulings. And if you’re concerned or upset about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the possible overturning of other human rights cases, it is important to be reminded that you are not alone — there are millions of people across the country who are struggling with the recent rulings.