Avery Kelley, Jahkil Jackson, DJ Annie Red, Khloe Thompson and Marquis Hill recently all came together from different cities across the country, including Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Brooklyn, NY, to teach the kids at North Haven Middle School and Rickover Junior High School about the Path to Purpose Summit. Each of these teen entrepreneurs/influencers talked to other youth, and taught them the values they gained to remain successful in their craft. Sponsored by Discover, True Star, Sophy Hotels and Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation, the help of these organizations assisted these teens in bringing their blueprint of teaching other young people like them to life.
When going from school to school, the recurring theme that traveled along with the speakers was “Passion, Purpose, and Goal.” This idea came up multiple times and was perfectly described by each individual. This phrase added emphasis on how to follow through with your goals while remaining true to yourself, which heavily relates to each panelist’s main mission. “The overall mission of the summit was to help youth find their path in life,” said Jackson. “I wanted to give them usable tools needed for goal setting.”
Everyone had their own unique journey to tell, and different goals to bring to the table. Kelley has her own production company called Inspired Melanin, Jackson is the author of two books, including Don’t Wait To Be Great, and the creator of “Project I Am,” DJ Annie Red has her book The Bully Stop, Thompson, author of The Girl Who Became The Change, has her organization Khloe Kares, and Hill, a motivational speaker, is the author of two books, one being U Have Genius Ability Within You. Inspiration and motivation from the complex minds of the young entrepreneurs helped spark creativity and hope in the student audiences.
This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.