Texas A&M Students Now Learning About Bitcoin

The university joins a host of others that offer cryptocurrency courses including Harvard, MIT, Oxford, National University of Singapore, Cornell and UC Berkeley.

Texas A&M Students Now Learning About Bitcoin (André François McKenzie via Unsplash)

Students at Texas A&M University now have course offerings about Bitcoin. 

Associate Professor Korok Ray of Mays Business School at Texas A&M started teaching the “Bitcoin Protocol” course this semester to students in the College of Engineering and Mays Business School. 

Next semester, “Bitcoin Programming,” will teach students to “build a Bitcoin library from scratch,” said Ray, according to Cointelegraph

The university joins a host of others that offer cryptocurrency courses including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oxford University, National University of Singapore, Cornell University and the University of California Berkeley.

Legal and regulatory implications of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are being taught at U.S. colleges, too. Adjunct Professor Thomas Hook of Boston University Law School said that the law school now offers a course that covers how lawyers and crypto companies can navigate regulatory uncertainties as they look to take their products and services to market. 

“It’s meant to expose future lawyers on the potential issues they may see and the myriad of approaches and regulations that exist as it pertains to crypto [and] the different [issues] that crypto companies may face across the globe,” said Hook.

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