A teenager who wasn’t allowed to freely use a phone he bought and had a curfew of 9:30 p.m. is breaking away from his strict parents by choosing a college across the country.
The 17-year-old posted his decision on how he was attempting to break free from his parents on Reddit. He said his parents don’t allow dating – unless in a group setting – swearing, inviting a girl over or going to her house, or having a phone in the bedroom. The teen also had to have his social media checked by a parent, shared his location 24/7, and wasn’t allowed to whisper.
He plans to part ways as soon as he turns 18. He said he lives in New York but applied to colleges in Texas, Louisiana and California because he has family in those states.
“I wasn’t gonna tell my parents until August got closer, but they found out recently,” the teen wrote. “They’re angry. My dad doesn’t want to let me go. I told him I’ll be 18, so it’s not his choice. My parents called me a selfish brat. They walked away from me while I was still trying to defend myself. We haven’t had another conversation about it since. It’s basically just silent treatment.”
Other Reddit users responded with support and thought he was acting responsibly.